onsdag den 19. august 2015

Time for new projects #Wonderlicious

Have you ever really, really, really wanted to accomplish something? Have you ever thought to yourself:

"well, I am just as talented as Britney 
# fabulous


and I am definitely (at least) just as clever as Bill gates

Have you ever really committed to something you believed in with all of you loving heart (<3 <3) ?

Well, for some time ago after finishing IB (the most time consuming "remove-all-the so-called-engergy-freetime-and fun-because-we-want-to-implement-depression-anxiety-and-stress-among-teenagers programme) I figured it was time to find a new call. I thought for some time and I got a revelation - a marvellous idea actually (yes, I am still a genius)!! 

Okay, believe it or not but I do like to help people out! I actually really wish to make a difference in this world. I want to be like Forest Gump and I believe in J.F. Kennydy's words: "One person can make a difference, and everyone should try". We should be the change we want to see. Instead of just believing that someone else will do the job we should act ourselves (very idealistic). I have therefore decided.. 


That I...
Want to..
Around the world...
On different projects through workaways.com 

As Walt Disney once said: All Our Dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them"! 

But (there is always a but).. The only issue about the project/idea is really the money... Blahh.. Always money, money, money.. Like Abba issued money: "Must be funny... In a rich man's world...". I discovered that I needed around 10.800 € in order for this to become a reality. So, I had to seek my own "think tank"! And after hours of speculations I came to the conclusion that I should try the world wide phenomenon of "Crowdfunding"!! :D :D Campaign-show-off:


Iff you guys out there exist I hope for your help! I really hope that you would share the link to my crowdfunding page (but why wouldn't you -you know you're the best ;) ) with all of your friends and the rest of the world. That would mean the world to me! :D 



mandag den 24. november 2014

Inspiration is my greatest key to imagination.

As I'm surfing on the internet (basically wasting my life) I've come to realize that perhaps I should use my time more efficient. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to come up with any other ideas of how to make my life more memorable here in the evening at 20:15 o'clock. Therefore I've come to the conclusion that I just as well could write this post for any of you who might be interested in reading my "exceptional" writing...

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about life and what makes mine special.

Yes, just like Winnie the Pooh I think for real...

I could say that I've superpowers, are one of the popular girls from school (which everyone worships) or even an amazing person with the ability to make everyone else's life easier! But it would all be a lie... Instead I'd be more likely to say that one of the things that make my life more interesting is the unknown in knowing. Yes, I know. This might sound very strange to you but this little part of my life is called imagination. I use it everyday to reflect and criticise upon the world in which I live. ANYWAY, the interesting thing about the unknown in knowing is the small facts that can never be entirely proven... Honestly, try to think about it... When was the last time you could actually prove something without thinking: "OH damn... Do I really know this?" For instance try to think about a really famous guy like Christopher Columbus. According to history books and very old dusty documents he discovered America in 1492. In our modern world we rely on this fact, since some geeks (like myself) strife for an explanation of the nature of the establishment of America. Christopher Columbus was the first link to the new world that would later be known to be a superpower with great influence on all other world countries. 

Yep, it is actually this increadibly handsome old man I'm talking about. The MIGHTY Christopher Columbus with the big smile :D

However, how can we actually base our knowledge on old dusty documents? They were written centuries ago so why trust them? No one today can actually claim to have lived in 1492 or to have witnessed Christopher Columbus go offshore in America! This is just a simple example of something much greater. If you have lost focus by now I don't blame you, because this is deep, forgotten and most importantly (probably) bullshit. But I like to reflect over this kind of bullshit.  And the case with Christopher Columbus is just one out of many other things that inspires me when using my imagination to reflect upon this deep shit... But don't get me wrong! History is a totally interesting subject with a lot of dead guys and a lot of useless informations that is used to create these great or disastrous stories (that may or may not be true. You never know!). As I told you before I'm one of those total geeks who loves it ;)

Annnnd that was all for today. I've to make homework now because I'm a serious procrastinator that has to get some work done before the AMAZINGLY FUN school tomorrow.

Love Ya


fredag den 20. juni 2014

Long time no see

So it has been a while since my last post... And I'm truly sorry, if you actually took your time to read my first post. However, even though time has passed it doesn't mean I have changed a bit.

Anyway, enough with the apologies... I've now finally decided that I should try and post some of the pictures that I take in my spare time. Because where else would be a better place to show of my amazing skills? Who knows... Maybe you'll actually like it?

Okay here it goes.

No 1. A classy landscape that you've probably seen before: Some spineless clouds in a BIG, deep blue sky and a meadow with an eye-catching green colour.

No 2. This one might be the definition of weird or just "weirder". And yes this is my CRAZY cat, which (I'm not kidding) always have a tendency of attacking people instead of being purring, adorable and sweet.

No 3. A random ladybug from my random garden. Believe it or not but this one actually made it to the top 20% in the pixoto community! If you happen to know about such a community on a web side under the name pixoto.com. 

No 4. Well this one I took on top of the museum of Aros in Denmark.  Isn't the view just lovely? I certainly think I nailed this one!

That's it and all you get for now... I hope (as the most interesting blogger on the internet) that I didn't bore you to death. There will be more to follow in the (hopefully) nearest future, so stick around!


Ps. Feel free to leave a comment.

lørdag den 5. januar 2013

A new word is all you need!


"This slang word almost always appears with an exclamation mark. It's an expression of amazement at something really great that has happened. Example: "Cowabunga! What a great wave that was!" 
The example relates to one of the ways this word was used in the 1960s, by surfers celebrating good rides on the waves." (Definition taken from: http://philomanshomepage.tripod.com/word1.htm)


It was a completely coincidence, that I discovered this incredible new word Cowabunga. (Or maybe it's not completely new, but at least it is to me! ) I guess it was a combination between my amazingly gifted brain and the unpredictable faith, that lead me to it. And thank god it did! From the moment I first tried to pronounce it I realized, that the sound of it was awesome, and it wasn't a word I would forget just like that. And then it hit me... Why not name my new blog Cowabunga? And so I did.

That's how I came up with the idea of naming my new blog Cowabunga.